Saturday, April 6, 2019

The effects of block scheduling Essay Example for Free

The effects of plosive consonant scheduling EssaySummary of Current friendship and Theory Relevant to Block computer programming Overview of Perceived Advantages to Block Scheduling Several researchers (Dobbs, W. , 1998 Hurley, 1997 Zepeda, 1999 Staunton, 1997 Staunton and Adams, 1997 Pisapia, and Westfall, 1997 and Eineder and Bishop, 1997) inform the hobby perceived strengths and advantages by two students and teachers to engine block scheduling Increased teacher preparation time (in both aggroups and as individuals). Double the class time for certain core subjects such as language humanistic discipline and math. Half as many students for teachers per semester. Additional elective class choice for 9th grade students to a greater extent choices for upperclassmen, including options of mod Placement and other racyer level coursework More time for completion of labs, incorporating technology, class trips, and other miscellaneous applications of learned material Improved school climate and decreased disciplinary referrals More time to do homework and for guided practice under the direction of the teacherImproved academic achievement by students Ability of students to foregather enough credits to graduate early. More one-on-one time between teachers and students.In command, surveyed students liked the block scheduling. They claimed to be getting better grades, to have time for more in-depth study, and got more attention from the teachers. They give tongue to their lives were little stressed and they liked having a fresh start each semester. Nearly all students asked said they would not want to return to the traditional entry. One of the grea assay effects of the 4 x 4 schedule is that students report having less homework. Of the 37 students interviewed, 20 said they had less homework, 7 said they had more, and 6 said they had about the same.If you dont like the teacher, you dont have to deal with him all year, or if you dont like the subject. W hen the semester ends, its like a clean school year. Youre not bogged down. Clearly, these students reaped academic benefits from the change to the 4 x 4 schedule. Both college preparatory and general students reported they were learning more and receiving more individual attention (Hurley, 1997). Surveyed teachers indicated that they enjoyed lecturing less and spending more time one-on-one with students.Teachers teaching in block scheduling used more of a team approach and allowed them to experiment more in the classroom (Staunton, 1997 Staunton and Adams, 1997). Teachers also reported that their teaching methods and practices changed as block scheduling was implemented. They used a wider array of strategies and activities. In one Florida study of over forty high schools on block scheduling, forty percent of the teachers reported less stress at school, one-third reported increased common planning time, and 80 percent noted that they preferred the block schedule to their anteceden t schedule (Deuel, 1999).There seem to be several perceived advantages associated with block scheduling. Overview of Perceived Disadvantages to Block Scheduling Several researchers (Dobbs, W. , 1998 Hurley, 1997 Zepeda, 1999 Staunton, 1997 Staunton and Adams, 1997 Pisapia, and Westfall, 1997 and Eineder and Bishop, 1997) reported the following perceived weaknesses and disadvantages by both students and teachers to block scheduling Additional cost in hiring teachers. Additional costs in adding space for teachers or the need for teachers to travel which means he has no permanent classroom.Difficulty in qualification up work from absences because missing one twenty-four hour period equivalent to missing two classes Some classes clearly benefit from meeting every day (i. e. do arts classes) Need for teachers to commit to using new teaching methods Ninety legal proceeding is a farseeing time to hold the attention of students Uneven schedules in which the harder classes all end up lu mped into one semester making it too difficult and the next semester too easy. The possibility that there will be a considerable gap in between sequential courses if they are not taken in back-to-back semesters.The first disadvantage given by surveyed students is that the classes are too long. Students particularly gave this as a weakness when their teachers lectured for or so all of the time period. Others noted that bad classes are really bad when they are held for 90 minutes (Hurley, 1997). Surveyed teachers voiced concerns about interruptions of sequential material from one semester to the next and consistency issues with students. However, teacher opinion seemed to be mixed about this issue.Some foreign language teachers feared a sequential break between levels (Scheduling abroad Languages on the Block, 1998). Other researchers found that some schools actually showed an increase in foreign language test scores because students could take level I and level II courses in back -to-back semesters (Schoenstein, 1996). Some teachers matte more comfortable with the lecture approach and had little comfort with experimentation of teaching methods (Staunton, 1997 Staunton and Adams, 1997).

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